- • Oral Presentations: Winner and 1st Runner-Up
- • Poster Presentations: Winner and 1st Runner-Up
- 1). Awards are open to trainees currently enrolled in a residency, fellowship, or doctoral
training program, or within 5 years of completing their DM. Applicants must have submitted
an abstract to ICTRIMS 2024, and the research topic should align with the conference's
scientific sessions.
- 2). Each participant is permitted to submit only one paper (either as the first author or co-
author) to be considered for an award.
- 3). The submitted abstract must not have been published in any formal review proceedings
or journals at the time of submission.
- ● Young Investigator Bursary Award (5)*
- ● IMMUNOBLAST 2024: IAN Autoimmune Disorders Subsection Quiz Finalists
The award includes a registration fee waiver and accommodation for two Nights.
*The bursary awards are open to all abstract submitters. Applicants must be below age 35 and
either currently enrolled in a residency, fellowship, or doctoral training program, or within 2 years
of completing their DM or fellowship. Trainees must submit a letter from their supervisor or
department head confirming their trainee status.