Late Breaking Abstracts

What is a Late Breaking Abstract?

Late Breaking Abstracts at ICTRIMS 2024 are reserved for those containing groundbreaking or highly significant findings that became available after the general abstract submission deadline. These abstracts offer researchers the opportunity to present late-breaking results that are of critical importance to the scientific community. Please note that the Late Breaking Abstract submission period is not an extension of the General Abstract deadline, but a separate opportunity for time-sensitive, impactful discoveries.

Guidelines for Late Breaking Abstract Submission:

  1. 1. Online Submission Only: All abstracts must be submitted through our online platform. Abstracts sent via email or fax will not be accepted.
  2. 2. Language Requirements: Abstracts must be written in English, adhering to UK English spelling.
  3. 3. Author Attendance: The presenting author of each accepted abstract must register for and attend the congress.
  4. 4. Poster Presentation Formats:
    • If your abstract is accepted for poster presentation, you will need to prepare both a paper poster and an electronic version (ePoster).
    • If accepted as an ePoster only, you will only need to prepare the electronic version.
    • Full guidelines for poster preparation will be provided upon acceptance. Presenting authors will present their posters during sessions at the congress.
  5. 5. Original Work: Abstracts must contain original material that has not been previously published or presented before 15th November 2024.
  6. 6. Abstract Structure:
    • The title should be concise and reflect the nature of the study.
    • Include a clear introduction, objectives, methods, and results with supporting data.
    • Conclusions should be succinct and well-defined.
  7. 7. Title and Word Limit
    • To Titles may not exceed 250 characters, including spaces.
    • The abstract text is limited to 300 words, including section headings, but excluding disclosures.
  8. 8. Abbreviations: Define all abbreviations the first time they are used (excluding the title). Example: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS).
  9. 9. Drug Names: Use generic names for all drugs mentioned.
  10. 10. No Graphical Elements: Do not include tables, charts, or other graphics. These will be removed by the editors.
  11. 11. Presentation Type Preference :Authors must indicate their preferred presentation type:
    • Oral or poster presentation
    • Poster presentation only
  12. Please Note : Choosing "poster presentation only" implies your abstract will not be considered for oral presentation.
  13. 12. Presentation Limit : An author may present only one oral presentation at the congress. If multiple oral presentations are accepted for a single author, the individual will be contacted to determine which abstract will be presented, and who from the co-authors will present the other abstracts. If no co-authors can present, the abstract will not be considered for oral presentation.
  14. 13. Oral Presentations : A select number of abstracts will be chosen for oral presentation based on their scientific merit and relevance to the congress topics. We encourage submissions that align with the key themes of the programme.
  15. 14. Conflict of Interest Disclosure :All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest (e.g., funding, consultancy, advisory roles) from the past three years. These disclosures will be published alongside the abstract.
  16. 15. Commercial Abstracts :Abstracts from commercial entities are welcome, but collaborations with independent investigators must include those investigators as co-authors. Abstracts will not be accepted without the presenting author being the independent investigator.
  17. 16. Submission Confirmation :After submitting, you will receive a confirmation email with your abstract number for future reference. If you do not receive this email, please contact .
  18. 17. Abstract Corrections :You may edit submitted abstracts before final submission, up until the deadline of 25th Oct 2024, 23:59 IST. .
  19. 18. Presenting Author Photo :Please upload a photo of the presenting author in JPG or GIF format, with a maximum size of 1 MB.

Notification of Acceptance:

Late Breaking Abstracts will undergo peer review by at least three external experts. Authors will be notified of their abstract's acceptance or rejection via email in October 2024. Full details regarding presentation format and instructions will be provided with the notification.

Accepted abstracts will be presented either as oral presentations in the Late Breaking Session or as paper posters/ePosters.

For further assistance, please contact the ICTRIMS team at