Welcome To ICTRIMS 2024

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the annual meeting of the Autoimmune Subsection of the IAN, The Indian Committee of Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis- (ICTRIMS) 2024. This is India’s largest research meeting in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders and this year it will be held under the aegis of the PGI Neurological Society from the 14th to 16th November 2024 in Chandigarh, the City Beautiful.

The leitmotif of ICTRIMS 2024 is “Optimizing Patient Outcomes in MS” as optimum treatment is a derivative of not just the medical improvement but also the quality of life and multidimensional rehabilitation of the individuals. Towards this end, we are putting up a congregation of the best that India has to offer from the domains of clinical practice, Research and Technology, and innovation. Additionally, we hope to congregate researchers and delegates from across the world, along with the leading global experts in the field who will participate in a range of events specially curated for you. We have arranged several keynote lectures, customized training workshops, and symposia as well as a daily collection of #TrendingTopics. The program aims to  promote a practice change in the field of demyelinating disorders including MS by providing evidence-based education and clinical practice-oriented sessions.

The conference spread over two and a half days will feature preconference parallel workshops relevant to clinical practice and rehabilitation of MS.  The highlight of the year will be an emphasis on analyzing and interpreting the data available to us and how to utilize that knowledge from bench to bedside.  Our esteemed international and national faculty will bring to you the latest developments in the above fields. For the researcher in you, opportunities to present research, and for the trainees and residents, an interesting quiz awaits to unfold. Apart from this, selected industry partners will present the latest advances through dedicated symposia and exhibits. In the backdrop of ICTRIMS 2024 is the idyllic layout of Chandigarh with its surrounding sojourns which never fail to charm anyone who touches this land of the “Open Hand”

Leonardo DaVinci once famously said ‘Learning never exhausts the mind.’ Hence, I urge you to register and actively participate in this academic fiesta and contribute to the growing pool of MS enthusiasts in the country, young and experienced alike. We hope that our humble offering of opportunities and programs will foster a community spirit and connection among clinicians and researchers alike which will walk miles in improving the prevailing state of care of these diseases.

Please brace yourself for yet another unforgettable experience of academics, nature, and fun.

We look forward to seeing you in Chandigarh!

Dheeraj Khurana

Organizing Secretary

Vivek Lal
